Call us for a free, no-obligation discussion of your sampling or remediation project.
Soil sampling for chemical releases, sewage spills, pipeline accidents can be used to determine the vertical and lateral extent of a release. Biological analysis for fecal bacteria or PCR analysis for bacteriodes can be used to determine sewer spill extent. Hydrocarbon and solvent releases can be identified using gas chromatographs, among other tools. Passive and active sampling methods provide specific benefits for certain situations.
FAST-TEK provides rapid response for contracting projects, based on a time-and materials basis or turn-key.
We design and implement bench tests and feasibility studies to evaluate complex geocehmistry in the lab before going into the field, increasing the chances of successful projects. Bench testing allows for remedial concepts to be tried in the laboratory to optimize the reagent chemistry, concentration, volume, as well as contaminant degradation rates. Determining unintended consequences of changing redox conditions provides information about solubility changes in toxic metals. If contaminant degradation (biological or chemical) does not occur in the laboratory on a small-scale, these reactions are unlikely to occur successfully on a large-scale in the field.
Designing wells using actual sediment taken from the sampling tools in the saturated zones is the best way to design and optimize well production. Geologists and engineers use sieves in the process to define the sediment grain size and sorting. This information, when plotted on graph paper allows the well screen slot size to be matched with the filter pack to optimize water production.
FAST-TEK has worked with hundreds of consulting firms to perform subsurface investigation and drilling services since 1990. Soil or groundwater samples can be collected using FAST-TEK's Geoprobe® 5400 Direct Penetration Technology (DPT) rig. The equipment can also be used to perform high-resolution soil gas surveys or accurate soil conductivity logging for rapid lithologic assessment. Hollow stem auger drilling is also performed to install monitoring wells. FAST-TEK also performs drilling and sampling in specialized environments: lagoons, bays, tundra, and wetlands.
Project Descriptions:
Subsurface Investigations - 1
Subsurface Investigations - 2
Drilling / Soil Vapor Projects - 1
Drilling / Soil Vapor Projects - 2
Quarterly Monitoring Sampling Projects
PROJECT: Phase II Subsurface Investigation - FAST-TEK assisted a consultant with a Phase II Subsurface Investigation to determine the location of the source of PCE, TCE, motor oil, and diesel detected in one of three monitor wells on-site. A regulatory approved workplan and health and safety plan were developed. Twenty 1.5 inch diameter borings were drilled by FAST-TEK using continuous core drilling to a maximum depth of 11 feet below ground surface. This method of drilling allowed for a detailed characterization of the subsurface conditions.
Location: Rohnert Park, California
Client: Artesian Environmental
RESULTS: The FAST-TEK drilling method saved the client an estimated $8,640 in disposal fees.
PROJECT: Phase II Environmental Subsurface Investigation - As part of a corporate divestment, a Phase II Environmental Assessment was performed at an office building in Mountain View, California. Subsurface drilling using the continuous coring tool was performed. FAST-TEK drilled four boreholes to a maximum depth of 19 feet below ground surface. Soil and groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for solvents and gasoline. Cost control was performed by computer accounting and a weekly job summary.
Location: Mountain View, California
Client: Consultant
RESULTS: Using FAST-TEK's drilling techniques, the client saved approximately $7,655 over the cost of conventional well installations and soil disposal.
PROJECT: Subsurface Investigation in Gas Field - FAST-TEK was retained by a consultant representing the land owner to perform a visual survey and subsurface investigation of shallow soil conditions in a gas field. Fifteen well sites and two tank farms were inspected. Twenty soil borings were drilled by FAST-TEK to evaluate subsurface conditions. Water samples were collected in two well cellars. Contaminants included crude oil, motor oil and lubricants. The visual survey and laboratory analyses were used to develop a soil remediation plan and a more effective operations and maintenance program.
Location: Sacramento Area, California
Client: Gas Property Owner
RESULTS: The consultant's written report was used for settlement purposes in favor of the client, saving the client hundreds of thousands of dollars.
PROJECT: Subsurface Characterization and Well Installation - FAST-TEK was retained by a client to oversee the drilling of ten soil borings, converting seven borings into groundwater monitoring wells. FAST-TEK delineated the vertical and lateral extent of gasoline, diesel, and metals contamination on the subject property, a former bulk storage facility. Cross sections, well logs and iso-concentration maps were used to define the contamination on the site. Significant regulatory and client contact was performed on this site.
Location: San Diego
Client: Consulting Firm
RESULTS: The placement of the wells allowed for accurate assessment of the vertical and lateral extent of hydrocarbon contamination in the subsurface, saving the client tens of thousands of dollars in additional subsurface investigations.
PROJECT: Groundwater Monitor Well Installation - FAST-TEK was retained by a consultant to perform a Phase II Subsurface Investigation by drilling seven soil borings on-site. Three of the wells were subsequently converted into groundwater monitoring wells for the detection of free phase liquid hydrocarbons and dissolved constituents in groundwater.
Location: Stockton, California
Client: Consultant
RESULTS: The placement of the wells allowed for accurate assessment of the subsurface conditions, saving the client tens of thousands of dollars in additional subsurface investigations.
PROJECT: Subsurface Investigation and Monitor Well Installation - FAST-TEK was retained by a bank to perform a subsurface investigation using direct penetration technology (DPT) drilling using FAST-TEK's Geoprobe equipment. FAST-TEK drilled three soil borings as the initial phase of the subsurface investigation. Based on the direct penetration technology boring results. FAST-TEK installed three groundwater monitoring wells that were placed in appropriate locations: two were downgradient and one was placed in the upgradient location. All three wells were placed in zero-contamination areas. The wells were developed, surveyed and sampled. The site was closed.
Location: Berkeley, California
Client: Artesian Environmental
RESULTS: After one year of quarterly monitoring, site closure was obtained.
PROJECT: Subsurface Investigation for Lease Transfer - As part of negotiation for a new lease, a consultant retained FAST-TEK to perform a subsurface investigation. The previous tenant had operated a vehicle and equipment rental and repair business on the property. After completing a Phase I Environmental Assessment, FAST-TEK performed a subsurface investigation to document subsurface conditions. FAST-TEK collected four groundwater samples and twelve soil samples using direct penetration technology (DPT) drilling. Based on the chemical analyses, it appeared that an offsite source of gasoline had impacted the groundwater beneath the property. Minor concentrations of oil and grease were detected in the soils. The results helped to establish pre-lease conditions for the owner and new tenant, minimizing potential conflict in the future. The responsible party was notified as to the extent of the gasoline contamination.
Location: Santa Rosa, California
Client: Equipment Company
RESULTS: The subsurface investigation was completed and the lease transfer was accomplished.
Project: Subsurface Investigation at Resins Plant - FAST-TEK was hired to perform angle drilling and limited access drilling services for a consultant in a resins plant in northern California. FAST-TEK's 40 hour-OSHA safety trained, two person crew drilled in level C protection into soils containing phenols. FAST-TEK drilled several borings and cored concrete. Soil samples were collected in 4 foot long, 1.25 inch diameter stainless steel samplers with inner sleeves. All holes were grouted with neat cement. No cuttings were generated.
Location: Northern California
Client: Consultant
RESULTS: Soil cuttings were not generated and the client saved $1,900 in soil disposal fees.
Project: Soil Vapor Survey at Airport - FAST-TEK was hired to perform a soil vapor survey along 1,000 foot pipeline containing aviation fuel at the San Francisco International Airport. The survey included twenty-five points. Data from the vapor survey was reported to the client using iso-concentration maps. A detailed report with the field procedures was prepared for the client. All vapor holes were grouted with neat cement. No cuttings were generated.
Location: San Francisco, California
Client: Consultant
RESULTS: The soil vapor survey was completed in the field in half the time and under budget.
PROJECT: Soil Sampling in Lagoon - FAST-TEK designed a limited access, continuous core drilling program in an abandoned landfill. The landfill was located in an environmentally sensitive area located in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. FAST-TEK drilled 77 soil borings in an inaccessible area in the lagoon to delineate the vertical and lateral extent of metals and hydrocarbon contaminated soils. Several soil borings were drilled below low tide. FAST-TEK interacted with the Coastal Commission and the San Francisco Bay Office of the RWQCB.
Location: Bolinas Lagoon, California
Client: Stimpel-Wiebelhaus Associates
RESULTS: FAST-TEK obtained high quality soil samples for the client
PROJECT: Limited Access Soil Sampling at Gasoline Station - FAST-TEK was retained by an environmental consultant to perform soil sampling near gasoline pumps at a gasoline service station. In one day, four soil borings were drilled by FAST-TEK under a canopy using a 1.5 inch diameter stainless steel continuous coring sampler to evaluate subsurface conditions. The soil samples were collected in transparent, non-reactive, hard-shell transparent plastic soil liners. The borings were drilled to a maximum of 19 feet below ground surface. Grab groundwater samples were also collected. FAST-TEK negotiated the project with the San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department.
Location: Manteca, California
Client: Confidential
RESULTS: Continuous core drilling provided superior geologic data which would not have been available using standard drilling techniques. Since soil cuttings were not generated, the client saved an estimated $2,000 in soil disposal fees.
PROJECT: Subsurface Investigation and Drilling - FAST-TEK conducted a Phase II Subsurface Investigation to determine the location of the source of solvents detected in one of three monitor wells on-site. A regulatory approved workplan and health and safety plan were developed. Twenty 1.5 inch diameter borings were drilled by FAST-TEK using continuous core drilling to a maximum depth of 11 feet below ground surface. FAST-TEK negotiated with the North Coast Regional Office of the RWQCB.
Location: Rohnert Park, California
Client: Fortune 500 Firm
RESULTS: Continuous core drilling allowed for a detailed characterization of the soil conditions.
PROJECT: Sampling: 400 Soil Samples - FAST-TEK designed a soil drilling and sampling program on a 5,000 cubic foot soil pile at a Caltrans yard. FAST-TEK drilled 100 soil borings to a maximum of 21 feet below ground surface. FAST-TEK drilled more than 1,800 feet, obtaining 400 discrete soil samples in five days.
Location: Vallejo, California
Client: Consulting Company
RESULTS: FAST-TEK obtained soil samples for the client under difficult drilling conditions.
PROJECT: Continuous Soil Sampling in Wetlands - FAST-TEK designed a limited access, continuous core drilling program in a wetlands. FAST-TEK continuously cored 5 soil borings to a maximum of 18 feet below ground surface. FAST-TEK drilled through peat and Bay Mud to evaluate the presence of metal contaminated soils.
Location: Point Pinole, California
Client: Consulting Company
RESULTS: FAST-TEK obtained soil samples for the client under difficult drilling conditions.
PROJECT: Limited Access Well Installation - FAST-TEK was retained to install two 2-inch diameter monitoring wells beneath a ten foot building overhang at a car stereo installation store. The borings were drilled with a Mobile Minuteman Drill Rig to a maximum of 23 feet below ground surface. After drilling was completed, the borings were converted into 2-inch diameter monitoring wells. Site closure was granted by San Mateo County Environmental Health Department in 1995.
Location: Burlingame, California
Client: Investor
RESULTS: The drilling was completed on time and on budget and site closure was granted.
PROJECT: Soil Vapor Survey - FAST-TEK was retained to perform a soil vapor survey at a Hamilton Air Force Base, which was slated for closure. Approximately 40 holes were drilled to about 10 feet below ground surface. FAST-TEK drilled through up to 16 inches of concrete through airport runways. Soil vapor samples were collected using SUMMA canisters.
Location: Novato, California
Client: URS/Woodward-Clyde Consultants
RESULTS: The job was completed on time in a professional manner.
PROJECT: Water Sampling of 23 Monitor Wells at National Laboratory - FAST-TEK was retained to purge and sample 23 monitoring wells at a National Laboratory. Monitor well depths ranged from 50 to 150 feet below ground surface. Previous sampling protocol was not to current RWQCB standards. FAST-TEK implemented EPA - RWQCB approved sampling protocol and submitted documentation of field procedures as well as laboratory data.
Location: Livermore, California
Client: Laboratory
RESULTS: The project was performed on-time and on-budget. FAST-TEK recommended various changes in the sampling equipment in place to improve sampling quality.
PROJECT: Water Sampling of 7 Monitor Wells - At a site of a former gasoline underground storage tank and bulk facility, FAST-TEKwas retained to install, develop, purge and sample seven groundwater monitoring wells. Monitor well depths averaged 35 feet below ground surface. Documentation of well sampling was included in the written report.
Location: San Diego, California
Client: Petroleum Company
RESULTS: Groundwater sampling results have led the client to bring in additional upgradient potentially responsible parties for financial liabilities.
PROJECT: Water Sampling of 10 Monitor Wells - FAST-TEK was retained to perform monitor well purging and sampling of ten monitoring wells at a fleet maintenance facility in the San Francisco Bay Area. Monitor well depths averaged 25 feet below ground surface. Documentation of monitoring well sampling data was included in the certified report. The contaminants included diesel and gasoline.
Location: Burlingame, California
Client: Rental Car Company
RESULTS: Reduced monitoring requirements were negotiated with the regulator, lowering costs. High quality sampling and reporting allowed the client to assess clean-up options.
PROJECT: Site Closure and Sampling of 3 Monitor Wells - Two underground storage tanks were removed from the property. FAST-TEK was retained to perform monitor well purging and sampling of three 25 foot deep monitoring wells at a warehouse in Oakland, California. Documentation of monitoring well sampling was included in the written report. The contaminants included diesel and gasoline.
Location: Oakland, California
Client: Major Bank
RESULTS: Site closure was granted April, 1994 after the wells were sampled for one year.
PROJECT: Water Sampling of 39 Monitor Wells: EPA Site - FAST-TEK performed quarterly data collection and sampling for 39 monitor wells at the EPA ARCSWEST Frontier Fertilizer Project. The contaminants included a variety of pesticides.
Location: Davis, California
Client: Bechtel Environmental, Inc.
RESULTS: The firm's responsive service with rigorous schedules helped with project success.